Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tourist Bonanza

I have to say, Venice is tough. I feel that you could go here for a couple of days and see a lot of things, but not really seeeee Venice. Most tourist sites are packed all day, every day and you really have to do your homework before visiting. Otherwise, you'll be stuck in pigeon-infested St. Mark's Square eating bad pasta from a tourist restaurant. 

BUT never fear, Patrick and I are much more savvy travelers than that (and were given some amazing dinner recommendations beforehand!) 

We did the obligatory 'must-sees,' which I am very happy about,  but we also found some other little gems tucked away in the tiny, winding streets, (secretly because we were lost 90% of the time, whoops!) However, that's the magic of this little dream town on the canal. So here we go!

The Vaporetto: Venetian version of public transportation and a great way to see city Grand Canal and the city when you first arrive

St. Mark's Square and Basilica: This is the main tourist spot of the city, but with good reason... St. Mark's Cathedral is so beautiful and the heart of the city. We went to the top of the Basilica to look out of the tourist-y madness and get a good view of just why this area is a bucket-lister

People PAY to get a photo of them being infested with these rats in disguise. I'm calling DCFS. Although, Patrick and I could not understand why there weren't pigeon #2s everywhere. Any ideas because we're stumped.

Doge's Palace: The home of all things important and political during Venice's hey-day. Governmental chambers and jails all in one! My favorite room was a room of wall-to-wall maps and giant globes all around. It filled my wanderlust heart with joy :)

Bridge of Sighs: It's said that you could hear condemned men sigh as they caught one last glimpse of their beautiful Venice before being escorted across the bridge to the dungeons. Eeks

The Rialto Bridge: The main bridge over the canal -- so many bridges, so little timeeee!

Peggy Guggenheim Collection: What a cool woman! So jealous of her art-filled, glamorous life is all I can say!
 A wish tree given to Peggy from Yoko Ono. Oh, Yoko.