Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tour de France

Rise and Shine Jetlaggers! The party has begun!

Right out of the gate, we spent a lovely day in Bayeux and at the D-Day beaches.

We started at the Memorial de Caen. Travel Tip: Go here first. I highly recommend spending some time here before you go to the beaches because it puts you in the frame of mind for what really happened there and why these men were willing to sacrifice their lives in such a way. 

I have to add a disclaimer though: This memorial has some of the most graphic images I have ever seen related to WWII and all of the horrible things that happened. Like I said, it makes the D-Day beaches that much more powerful and meaningful, but be forewarned.

Then it was off to Bayeux, the beaches and the American Cemetery. We found a precious little restaurant in Bayeux where the owner told us that the tapestry (see my earlier post about Bayeux) was actually taken and then rediscovered during the French Revolution being used as a cover for a merchant's cart. Cheeky little merchant using something that has now become a UNESCO World Heritage Site in itself...

And finally to the beaches! p.s. Did I mention that this travel was all done by rented car? God Bless my Dad knowing how to drive a stick, Renault gas efficiency and G.P.S. Quite the successful day!