Friday, March 9, 2012

Les Livres

If there was ever a book to recommend to everyone you know, this is it.  

Me Talk Pretty One Day by my beloved David Sedaris is one of my all-time favorite books. My friend Michelle turned me on to D.S. and I've never looked back!

The book consists of a melange of Sedaris' short essays mostly themed around...wait for in Normandy, France and trying to learn French. Sound familiar? Obviously I would take interest in this, but I really think if you like 'smart-ass humor,' which I know that many of you reading this do, you will find this book to be quite hilarious. I would actually laugh-out-loud and I think that's pretty tough for a book to do these days. 

So stop what you're reading and go buy this book. I promise you will not regret it! 

Tout à l'heure mes amis!