Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Welcome to Bayeux...

...where we have a 230 foot long tapestry 800 years older than your country....BAM!

 Bayeux is a town that I believe is the closest to the traditional Gaul France that you're going to find. I mean, look at this precious place!

Bayeux is where they house the Bayeux Tapestry (naturally) and other medieval gems that make you feel like George Washington could be the same age as your uncle twice removed. 

This amazing piece of work depicts the Battle of Hastings and hence, the beginning of the Norman Conquest a.k.a the reason why there are so many French words in the English language and I can speak Franglais so fluently. 

We also were able to catch the beginning of mass at the Notre Dame Cathedral in town. Both sights are must sees if you are in Normandy. Pretty incredible, I must say.  

 Top it off with a lunch break in a little crepe hut on the water...c'est la vie!