Thursday, February 9, 2012

French Women Don't Get Fat...

...but let me be the first to assure you, American women DO. Rather, this American woman does!

The presence of boulangeries (bakeries essentially) on every corner, along with my unhealthy obsession with French cheese, has made living in France a big problem for this American girl's waistline. I have had to come to terms with the fact that I can't eat the same foods as French women and even possibly wear a swimsuit come June. But whhhyyyy??? Why can they eat those delicious foods and I can't?? (insert whiny voice)

Well, my hungry American friends, I realized that each time I've been in France, I was eating like someone visiting France, not a French person. In general, they eat most meals at home, so they can enjoy just a petit taste of Nutella each day instead of housing half the jar. A French woman can eat whatever she wants, just in much smaller portions than I'm accustomed. So, while I would prefer to eat that whole yummy demi-baguette, I know that if I want to live here like a vraie francaise, I have to take note from my French-y sisters and put down that second half of that buttered croque monsieur! Wish me luck :)

*act like saying no to this wouldn't be hard for you either...