Monday, February 13, 2012

Métro, Boulot, Dodo

The title of this post is Métro, Boulot, Dodo. The literal translation is subway, work, sleep, or in other words, 'same old routine,' or we sometimes say 'work, work, work.' As you can see, the French have developed their own saying for this common state of being. However, it has been my own personal observation that there is a fundamental difference with the idea of working and what you do for a living between France and the United States.

Let me explain...
When you first meet someone in the United States, what is one of the first questions you always ask?

What do you do?

That says a lot more than just the name of your profession, does it not? This question is considered rude and imposing to ask a French person upon first meeting. Not only is it a question about how much money you make (biggest faux pas out there) but it implies that what you do is essentially who you are. That is not the French way of thinking. Life is about enjoying life and not just métro, boulot, dodo!

Perfect example: 
I am taking a class called Simulation Globale where you essentially create your own little city and characters within the classroom. A French Sim City, if you will. (The photo is of my friends and I in this class.) 

The professor walked us through how to create the characters that we would 'be' for the rest of the semester. Each time, he would pose the question of what should we develop/decide about our characters next? All of the American students (including me) kept thinking that the next step would surely be the persons job. How can you develop a personality if they don't have a profession? Sure enough, each time, he shot us down and was almost confused as to why we kept saying that that information should be next. We had to answer all these questions about our new personality/character before ever even thinking about their job:

-where they are from
-marriage status
-meaning of family name
-meaning of first name
-astrological sign 
-Chinese year we were born
-quirks and pet peeves
-how they might carry themselves and present themselves

Next class, we will decide on the job...maybe...