Tuesday, February 14, 2012

le Jour de la Saint-Valentin

You KNOW I had to do a post of the day o' love from the city o' love right??

Today is Valentines Day and although I thought I would be depressed without my big American valentine, it actually turned out to be a pretty great day.

Case in point--the surprise dozen roses waiting for me in my room when I got home from school! Patrick, you are quite the smooth one! My host family and roommate were waiting to take pictures of me finding that giant box (see below) and they said that even the mailman told them that this delivery made his day! My 'host dad' told me that they were so excited for me and VIVRE L'AMOUR! 

But enough about my sappy love story :) I've posted the link below of some absolutely beautiful pictures of l'amour in Paris. Not too many other places in the world where life is love and you better express it while French kizzzzinnggggg. 

Love and Bisous from France!