Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mid day in Paris.

For anyone who has seen the film, Midnight in Paris, you will remember that Owen Wilson's character felt that Paris was best seen while walking in the rain. Well, I'll take your rain, Owen Wilson, and raise you a snowfall. I never thought I would see the day...

It rarely snows in Paris and when it does, it rarely sticks. This is obviously not a meteorological statement, but that is the general idea when one asks about snowfall in Paris. Well, thanks to the European cold front, I was able to see the beautiful site of Paris in the snow. Admittedly, it did not last long because with so many people walking and cars, the snow disappears quickly. However, I had just enough time to see the Eiffel Tower turning white and that, my friends, is unforgettable. 

Tout à l'heure!