Monday, February 27, 2012

Welcome to London! We speak English!

As I previously mentioned, I was able to spend this past weekend visiting some of my best friends from Costa Rica who have since returned home to London. I can't even express how good it was to see them, especially in one of my most favorite cities in the world!

It was a whirlwind weekend but here are some highlights:

1. I arrived via Chunnel and was scooped up by my amazing friends and taken to the London Eye for a drink while overlooking the entire city! Touristy, yes, but totally worth it.

2. Fish and Chips at the Golden Union...obviously. Even though I spent almost a month in London when I was in undergrad, this was actually my first time having fish and chips. I thought that that would be the main highlight of the meal until Emma ordered her dinner...a chip buttie. A chip buttie, for those who don't know, is a french fry sandwich with butter. Yes, that's right. Act like you don't want that...

The guy in this picture is Maddy's German boyfriend who was a great sport for sticking with us all night--even when things got really high pitched. 

3. We spent the night at Milk and Honey, a private club in London. Apparently London has a lot of 'members only' bars and nightclubs which are quite 'posh' if you will. I clearly am not a member of any of these clubs but am lucky enough to have friends who are! Milk and Honey was really cool and had a speakeasy, cave-y feeling to it. Leave it up to a girl from Millstadt, Illinois to weasel her way into a club to hob-nobb with high society in London.

4. Next day gallivanting around town: This includes this particular run in...classic. Fun fact-this man was not actually British :)

5. Mimosas and Bloody Mary's atop the National Portrait Gallery
 Celebrating the Queen's Jubilee obviously!

6. Spitalfields Vintage Market where I wanted to buy EVERYTHING. I would highly recommend it if you're visiting London. It's easy to find but an off-the-beaten-path event for sure. Also, if you're in the market for home decoration with personality, this is your place.
We did many more things (including Indian food on Brick Lane, yum), so if you're going to London any time soon let me know and I'd be happy to help you with some more ideas!  A big thanks for my saucy little British friends for planning a much needed girls weekend and a big thanks to Patrick for hooking it up so it wasn't a hostel world/bed bug weekend ;) 

Oh London, what a bloody wonderful town you are!